Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sit Still Like A Statue

Daddy has always trimmed Ava's hair from the time that it first needed it. We even saved a few pieces from her first trim. (Are we too sentimental? haha) It's still a little strange to see Ava with such long hair because it seemed like it took forever for her hair to grow when she was a baby. The other day we took Ava for her first professional hair cut by the lovely Amber Goins at Shear Illusions in Fayetteville, NC. (Yes, this is partly an advertisement. haha) Ava was super excited but a little nervous mainly because she doesn't like when the hair from her bangs falls into her eyes. Before we arrived we were talking to Ava about what Mrs. Amber would do. We explained how still she needed to be to make sure her hair would come out right. We asked her if she remembered what a statue was and of course a 3 year old knows everything. We told her that she had to sit really still just like a statue and she politely said "I know, Mom!"

Considering this being her first hair cut, I think she did well. She of course got tired of sitting still and looking down when need be but overall she did great. Mrs. Amber was super patient with her! Ava thought she was the greatest because when it came time to cut her bangs Mrs. Amber didn't let one stitch of hair get in her eyes. Now we have our own personal Dora!

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