Ava enjoys helping prepare snack for Lucy and herself. On this particular day we were going to have Strawberries. I asked her if she wanted to prepare the snack and of course she was eager to.
Ava got the strawberries out of the fridge, washed them using her
colander, cut the stems with a
knife on her cutting board (from dollar tree) and shared with her sister.
Sidenote: Before Ava was able to use the knife we had a "safety" talk. Our littles are very capable and it's our job to guide them. When giving a safety talk you don't have to go into too much depth. An example would be,"This is a knife. We use knives to cut food. We need to be careful while using a knife because it is sharp."
So proud of her work and ready to eat! |
I think Lucy approves! |
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