I on the other hand was having a much different experience. I held it together all morning. I took deep breaths and smiled a smile that only a proud mother has. As scary as it is to let your little one grow and spread their wings there is a peace in knowing you've done your part and you're allowed to be on this journey "with" them.
Ava waited in line eagerly awaiting the doors opening. We walked into her classroom and found her cubby. She hung her backpack and lunchbox up properly. We found her seat and she sat with such confidence as if to say, "I've got this mom and dad." It was at this point that both Chris and my eyes watered up. We took our pictures, gave our hugs and kisses, and reluctantly left the room. The clock never moved so slow. Looooonngest day EVER! haha Finally 3:00 rolled around and our sweet girl came out all smiles. Here are a few pictures before we left the house.

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